This is a "6 Phase Rotational Training Program" that you can use over a long period of time to keep gaining results. It utilizes multiple types of training so you leave out no reason to gain lean muscle tissue. Take it from the words of Brandon himself!!!!
“The workouts are like no other. Before i became a client of Hodges, id search every day online for new workouts and none compared to the affects Hodge's programs had on my overall physique. Not only are you challenged in each and every workout, but they target and stimulate the muscles in a very unique way that is sure to maximize muscle growth. The man really has his work down to a science and that is shown in the results these workouts yield. I have now been a loyal client to hodge for well over 2 years now and its for a damn good reason.”
Brandon Wiggins (IG: @bwiggy_fitness)
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